SummerFest is our Annual Business Expo! Grab your family, friends and co-workers and join us at the Oconee Civic Center. It's an opportunity to meet the businesses in our community - there will be raffles, games and fun!
Presented By:
GUESS WHO? That’s right! It’s time again for Summerfest from the Oconee Chamber of Commerce! So SORRY to T R O U B L E you but we are taking big RISK this year to bring you a full filled event with CLUES, TWIST, CHUTES AND LADDERS leading all the way to real LIFE opportunities just waiting for you! UNO!!! Wait, we have one more surprise leading you PAST GO, and to the BOARDWALK to celebrate with games from board to the screen. We believe the PRICE IS RIGHT, and this event is the best way to spin the WHEEL OF FORTUNE and get involved with the community and be part of this chamber event! Don’t PRESS YOUR LUCK, or get into a FAMILY FEUD, just join us!
Booth Spaces Now Available
$185 Standard Booth | $350 Premium | $850 Sunshine Sponsor