Room Reservation

Seats 25 at Tables OR 45 People in Chairs or Standing    Podium     Kitchenette     Restrooms     Projector & Screen     HDMI Hookup

Partner Meeting Rental

$30 Per Booking for Less Than 6 Hours

$50 Per Booking for More Than 6 Hours

$60 for Weekend Day Rentals

Terms & Conditions

*Please Review - you will be asked to Agree with these Terms & Conditions when Booking Reservation

Anyone that reserves the meeting space is responsible for following for the terms stated on the Room Renal Contract. If renters do not abide by the current required tasks the chamber can ask you to leave the premises at any time, and will not be allowed to rent the space in the future.

All rentals are subject to change based on the chamber’s availability and if your booking conflicts your meeting may need to be postponed or moved to another available date.

When booking reservation, please account for the time you will need to set up and clean up when utilizing the room. You may not utilize the room before or after allotted reservation time.

Please remember that the chamber is a working business and our buildings availability can change for renters without notice.

If the room is found uncleaned, please let the chamber staff know. The doors MUST BE LOCKED upon departure from the chamber. If the doors are found left unlocked you will be charged a service fee of $75 for this neglect.

The chamber does not provide coffee machines as part of the rental fee, the renter is responsible for providing everything needed. We are not responsible for providing screen projection equipment. There is an HDMI port on the wall. Please plan to have the correct cable for your device. Wifi is not guaranteed!

Alcohol and smoking is prohibited on the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce's property.

The rental space is not available for political fundraisers, rallies or events.

If you reserve the space and do not show up for your reserved meeting time you will be charged a $25 no call, no show fee. You must cancel booking at least 2 business days to receive a refund.

By signing this agreement, you agree to abide by and follow all the terms and conditions laid out in the above policy. These terms are binding and subject to change without notice. All renters will follow the rental guidelines while using the chamber rental rooms. All guidelines are to be followed and carried out per rental and if renter is non-complaint rental privileges will be revoked. When reserving a room from the booking calendar all dates and rooms requested are subject to approval from the chamber staff. If rules and guidelines are not followed service fees may apply. By signing off on this agreement you are also agreeing and understanding that under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual. Room rental fees must be paid prior to arriving for the meeting time or the room will be denied upon arrival. Please note that you rent the space at your own risk.

Polices & Procedures

1. Due to our building size and available parking, we can only accommodate

up to 30 people for meetings MAXIMUM


2. Per Room Rental agreement all weekly chamber rentals must be held in the lower conference room ONLY.


3. You can make reservations for only 4 months in advance.


4. Please note, To access the rental space, follow the sidewalk to the left of the building. and down the stair case. The door is located on the back of the building. There is no other way to access the rental space from the front of the building. The Oconee Chamber staff is not responsible for directing your attendees, so please let them know directions in advance!


5. Can only utilize the big room. The carpeted room on the side is for Chamber Staff only!


6. You may park in the Oconee Chamber’s parking lot and the gravel lot across the street. We are an operating business, so please be mindful on how your guest’s park. The area behind the building is ONLY for loading/unloading for ONE car or for handicap accessibility.

7. Check Out Process (items below MUST be completed)....

a.  All tables and surfaces must be wiped down before departure

b. Take out all trash and place bags in the trashcan located on the side of the chamber building

c. Room must be left in the classroom style setting with all tables and chairs returned to the designated layout

d. Set the thermostat at 76 degrees in the summer months, and 63 degrees in the winter months

e. Remove ALL items. You are not able stored items in cabinets/drawers/closets (the chamber is NOT responsible for any items left in the meeting spaces)

f.  Lock door from the outside when you leave (press large button at top of the door key pad and turn the knob)

We hope that you have a wonderful meeting and thank you for choosing the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce for your meeting space needs! We are so happy to have you here!

For Any Questions or Concerns please contact Caroline Middlebrooks at [email protected].

Book Reservation

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