Drugs Don't Work

Join forces with other progressive area businesses in the Drugs Don't Work Program.
​Drug use in your business costs money, customers and lost productivity!

Workers' Compensation Discount

Drugs Don’t Work (DDW) is a program of The Council on Alcohol and Drugs, Inc. DDW in Georgia is a partnership program of The Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation, the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Office of Prevention Services and Programs, and local chambers of commerce. The General Assembly passed a 7.5% premium discount in workers' compensation insurance based on a certified drug-free workplace. The Oconee Chamber of Commerce provides the Drugs Don't Work program to our members free of charge, and gives the necessary tools to empower business owners to maintain a drug-free workplace. Enrollment and certification through the Drugs Don't Work program can also help lower workers' compensation premiums. The DDW program is the official drug-free workplace services provider of the state of Georgia as mandated by Georgia Law (OCGA 34-9-410). The nationally recognized workplace program helps businesses maintain healthy and productive workforces and receive a 7.5% discount on Workers Compensation Insurance. 
Think drugs in Georgia don't affect you as a business executive? You might want to think again, consider these facts:
  • 38 - 50% of workers comp claims are related to substance abuse.
  • Substance abusers file 3-5 times more workers' comp claims. 
  • Substance abusers are 2.5 times more likely to be absent from work. 
Having a drug-free program in the work place helps*:
  • Reduce medical costs and lost productivity.
  • Most larger companies have some type of drug testing in place, so users look elsewhere for jobs. 
  • Lower employee turnover and reduce absenteeism. 
  • Protect loyal employees. 
* Source: "Working Partners", National Conference Proceedings Report: US Dept. of Labor, the Small business Administration, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Georgia Drug Free State Certification Information in 5 simple STEPS:

Your company must have a substance abuse policy in place that meets all requirements of Georgia law. The policy must be signed by the president of the company and distributed to all employees. A sample policy can be provided for your reference.

You do not have to drug test your entire workforce. State certification requires drug screens on new employees on and after the date the policy is implemented for the following occasions:
  • Pre employment
  • Post accident
  • Reasonable suspicion (must show documentation of unacceptable work performance)
  • Post rehabilitation
Companies that opt to perform random drug screens must wait 60 days before drug testing existing employees and must follow guidelines for random testing found in the Rules and Guidelines of a Drug-Free Workplace handbook.

Make sure employees are aware of how to access employee assistance resources. Post a treatment provider list and/or other counseling resources on your company bulletin or break room. Your health insurance provider may already offer this service to employees under your health plan.

One hour of employee training and one hour of supervisor training must be completed within the first 60 days of implementing a DDW policy. Employee training is ongoing throughout the year in the form of a monthly newsletter, distributed via e-mail by your local chamber. Supervisor training is ongoing throughout the year in the form of a bi-monthly newsletter (6 per year, distributed via e-mail by your local chamber.

Once the first hour of training for employees and the first hour of training for supervisors is complete and the 60 day grace period has expired, on the 61st day, the application for state certification can be applied for. Your DDW coordinator is available to assist with the application process. Certification must be done on a yearly basis. Once you receive your state issued certificate, provide a copy to your local chamber and insurance provider to issue the 7.5% discount on your workers’ compensation insurance.


  • Receive a 7.5% discount on workers’ compensation insurance premiums. Save thousands of dollars every year.
  • Cut workers’ compensation claims in half. Substance abusers have 300% higher medical costs and are 3.6 times more likely to injure themselves or a co-worker.
  • Increase productivity and morale amongst employees. Drug and alcohol abusers are proven to be 1/3 less productive.
  • Reduce absenteeism and employee turnover. Substance abusers are 2.5 times more likely to have absences of 8 or more days each year.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How is Drug-Free Workplace defined?
A. It is an employment setting where all employees adhere to a program of policies and activities designed to provide a safe workplace, discourage alcohol and drug abuse and encourage treatment, recovery and the return to work of those employees with such abuse problems. The intent of the program is to educate adults on the problems relating to substance abuse. The one place where there can be mandated adult education is the workplace. This empowers the individual and the family, resulting in stronger communities.

Q: Do I have to drug test all my employees?
A. No, all employees are NOT required to be tested, however, pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, and post-accident testing are required.

Q. Do I have to fire an employee who tests positive for drugs?
A. No, you have the right to fire an employee or take disciplinary action, which should include an agreement by the employee to undergo substance abuse treatment.

Q. Do all my employees have to go through the training at the same time?
A. No, you may divide your workforce into groups. Drugs Don’t Work attempts to make the program as user friendly as possible. Lectures, articles, and videos are some ways to accomplish the hours of training needed.

Q. When does the workers’ compensation insurance premium credit begin to accrue?
A. The premium discount will be applied pro rata as of the date of certification (the date of approval by the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation).

Q. When does the insured actually receive payment for the credit?
A. The insured employer, however, will not receive payment for such credit until after the annual final premium audit under such policy.

Q. How long will an insured employer receive the 7.5 % discount?
A. The insured employer is entitled to receive the 7.5 premium credit for up to eight years from date of original certification. Thereafter, the premium discount shall be determined from the insured’s experience rating plan or in the case of an insured not rated upon experience, the premium discount shall be determined by the Commissioner of Insurance based upon data received from the insurers.

Application for certification through Georgia's State Board of Worker's Compensation is available through their website www.sbwc.georgia.gov and must be renewed annually. Application and payment of $35 (this is the application fee from SBWC) should be sent to the Georgia Drug-Free Workplace Program. Keep Certificate on file and provide a copy to the Oconee chamber's Drug Don't Work Coordinator. 

For more information call the Oconee Chamber at (706) 769-7947 or email [email protected]
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